Thursday, September 4, 2014

Vegan MoFo Buddha Bowl

Let us raise a cheer for the Buddha Bowl!
A Buddha Bowl is a complete combination of vegetables, carbs, and protien generally served with a grain (although if you are limiting your calories, you can leave out the grain).
A Buddha bowl is a simple, yet complete meal in a single bowl.  Whenever I eat it, I imagine I am a Tibetan monk, carrying my wooden bowl in the pouch of my robe as I travel, seeking enlightenment through meditation.
Here is how I assembeled my bowls tonight, although I frequently vary it according to what I have in my kitchen, and what is in season. For each step, I list alternatives you can try.

First, I put a layer of brown rice Iin the bottom of the bowl. Any type of grain works here, rice, barley, couscous, quinoa, etc.

Now some veggies. Tonight I have roasted cubed sweet potatoes, and steamed broccoli and asparagus. Regular potatoes and carrots also work, as do any kind of green: kale, green beans, spinach, etc. Basically, you want to cover your rice with a layer of vegetables.

My protien tonight is some chickpeas I roasted with some curry seasonings. Any beans work here, as does tofu, tempeh, or faux meat (like gardein products).

To top it all off, I added a drizzle of sunflower butter. Tahini is also nice here, peanut or almond butter works in a pinch. You can also try a light drizzle of your favorite salad dressing. I also added a small pinch of my favorite condiment of the moment, some Lavender salt from Eatwell Farms.

While I was putting together our dinner bowls, I also made lunches for tomorrow. I love recycled jars for lunches, don't you? They portion out so well, and are very easy for my husband to carry to work on his motorcycle. I find it is much easier for me to encourage him to eat healthy, vegan foods for lunch if I just make his lunches portable!

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