Sunday, June 28, 2015

8 weeks of healthy habits week 6

8 Weeks of Healthy Habits!

Welcome to week 6 of our #8weeksofhealthyhabits.  Each week, I will post an overview of the upcoming week's goals with some helpful links and info. The purpose of this challenge is not to be stressful, preachy, or overbearing, just a fun way to incorporate some new ideas.  If you like something that we do, please feel free to incorporate it into your daily/weekly schedule and really make it a new habit. If you're looking to really up your game, try the #DaisyDukeStrong challenge at the bottom of this post.

The fun part about these challenges is the sharing.  See if you can post a thought or a selfie each day to the facebook page about what you're doing.  If you're an Instagram user, you can also post there, using the hashtags #PIG and #8weeksofhealthyhabits

Week 6:

Sunday: Take some time to reflect on your day & the last week. Write in a journal, or share to your blog.  Journaling on a regular basis can help you gain insight to your own humanity.

Monday: Try a dance workout! Boogie around!

Tuesday: Try having a day with no processed foods. See if you can eat only fresh, whole foods!

Wednesday:  Set your alarm 10 minutes early and do crunches before you get dressed for your day.

Thursday:  Drink a glass of water before each meal.

Friday: Free Fitness! Post a selfie of you doing your favorite activity to the facebook page! Each Friday will be Free Fitness Friday. You get to choose the activity- just get up and do something and share it with the rest of us! If you post to Instagram, don't forget your hashtags, #PIG and #8weeksofhealthyhabits

Saturday: Socialize today with friends! Talk and laugh with real people.

Daisy Duke Strong Challenge

Now, if you want that extra challenge, here's the week overview of #DaisyDukeStrong! Myself, I did better with these last week. It was easier to break up everything into smaller sets.

Sunday: 130 crunches, 130 squats
Monday: 5 sets of 12-17 push-ups each
Tuesday: 130 crunches, 130 squats
Wednesday: 125 crunches, 125 squats, 5 sets of 12-17 push-ups each
Thursday: 130 crunches, 130 squats
Friday: 135 crunches, 135 squats, 5 sets of 12-17 push-ups each
Saturday: rest day

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