Friday, May 3, 2013

Races Run: 2013

My goal this year is to run 13 races.  Many are 5k's, but I am working in some longer distances. I am signed up next March for the Rock and Roll Half marathon. I thought I'd keep a running track of races run and planned for here, and update throughout the year.  

1. 2/10/13 Love the run you're with, 5k, VA- 40:05
2. 3/9/13 Four Courts Four Miler, 4m, VA- 51:52
3. 3/16/13 Patuxent Pi Mile Trail Run, 3.14159m, MD- 43:24
4. 4/7/13 Heroes Vs. Villians, 5k, VA- 41:00
5. 4/13/13 St. Charles Running Festival, 5k, MD- 38:52
6. 5/18/13 Turtle Trot, 5k, VA-38:12
7. 5/19/13 Capitol Hill Classic, 3k, DC- 23:48
8. 6/15/13 Loyola River Race, 5k, MD- 41:15
9. 6/23/13 Run for the Rainforest, 5k, MD- 39:44
10. 8/3/13 Dog Days of Summer, 5k, Virtual- 34:00
11. 8/10/13 Summertime & Sunshine, 10k, Virtual- 72:00
12. 9/1/13 Wonder Woman 5k, Virtual, actually ran the 10k. 72:00
13. 9/14/13 Navy/Air Force 5 miler, DC- 62:48
14. 10/4/13 Cheshire Cat Challenge 10k, Virtual 8.18 miles, 90:00
15. 10/5/13 Children's hospital 5k, DC- walked-55:30
16. 10/7/13 Howl-o-ween 5k, Virtual-3.19 miles, 36:00
17. 10/25/13 We can do it! Half Marathon- Virtual over 24 hours.  1st. leg- 9.27 miles, 104 min. 2nd. leg- 4.23 miles, 48 minutes. Total: 13.5 miles, 152 minutes
18. 11/9/13 "Off with their heads" Red Queen 10k, Virtual, 6.5 miles, 72 minutes
19. 11/13/13 Hope for the Phillippines 5k, virtual, 34 minutes
20.  11/15/13 Alice 10k, Virtual, 72 minutes
21.  11/24/13 CSM Turkey Trot, 5k, MD, 38:41

Upcoming races (Already signed up!):
21. 11/28/13 McCaslin first annual Thanksgiving fun run
22. 12/6/13 A very merry run-birthday 10k, Virtual
23. 12/8/13 Busch Gardens Christmas Town, 8k, VA
24. 12/14/13 Santa Paws 10k, Virtual

On the books for 2014:
1/3/14 Resolution Run 15k, Virtual
3/15/14 Rock and Roll Half Marathon, DC

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