Sunday, July 12, 2015

8 weeks of healthy habits week 8

8 Weeks of Healthy Habits! Last week! Are you still here? Whether you've been keeping up with the challenge or if you've quit, but want to jump back in, let's go out with a bang! Post about what you're doing!

Welcome to week 8 of our #8weeksofhealthyhabits.  Each week, I will post an overview of the upcoming week's goals with some helpful links and info. The purpose of this challenge is not to be stressful, preachy, or overbearing, just a fun way to incorporate some new ideas.  If you like something that we do, please feel free to incorporate it into your daily/weekly schedule and really make it a new habit. If you're looking to really up your game, try the #DaisyDukeStrong challenge at the bottom of this post.

The fun part about these challenges is the sharing.  See if you can post a thought or a selfie each day to the facebook page about what you're doing.  If you're an Instagram user, you can also post there, using the hashtags #PIG and #8weeksofhealthyhabits

Week 8:

Sunday: Take some time to reflect on your day & the last week. Write in a journal, or share to your blog.  Journaling on a regular basis can help you gain insight to your own humanity.

Monday: How many crunches can you do? If you've been keeping up with the crunch challenge, you're close to 200! Wake up early and see what you can do!

Tuesday: Try a WFPB dinner (whole foods plant based). Need some recipe ideas? Check out or

Wednesday: Try an AM yoga routine.

Thursday:  Eat a monster salad for lunch! How many greens can you fit in your bowl?

Friday: Free Fitness! Post a selfie of you doing your favorite activity to the facebook page! Each Friday will be Free Fitness Friday. You get to choose the activity- just get up and do something and share it with the rest of us! If you post to Instagram, don't forget your hashtags, #PIG and #8weeksofhealthyhabits

Saturday: Listen to music that makes you happy!

Bonus into next week....

Sunday 7/19: Write about your day/week in a journal or blog

Monday 7/20: Walk or run a 5k (3.1 miles)!

Tuesday 7/21: Eat fruit for a dessert or snack. 

Wednesday 7/22: Try some simple bodyweight exercises. Push ups, squats, etc.

Daisy Duke Strong Challenge

Now, if you want that extra challenge, here's the week overview of #DaisyDukeStrong! Myself, I did better with these last week. It was easier to break up everything into smaller sets.

Sunday: 170 crunches, 170 squats
Monday: 175 crunches, 175 squats, 5 sets of 17-21 push-ups each
Tuesday: rest day
Wednesday: 175 crunches, 175 squats, 5 sets of 17-21 push-ups each
Thursday: 180 crunches, 180 squats
Friday: 185 crunches, 185 squats, 5 sets of 17-21 push-ups each
Saturday: 190 crunches, 190 squats

Bonus into next week....

Sunday: rest day
Monday: 190 crunches, 190 squats, 5 sets of 20-24 push-ups each 
Tuesday: 195 crunches, 195 squats
Wednesday: 200 crunches, 200 squats, 5 sets of 20-24 push-ups each

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