Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Plan May 3-9

Coffee & Fruit
Weekend leftovers
Queso-Cauliflower Taquitos

Run 4
Coffee & fruit
Queso-Cauliflower Taquitos
Fajita Quesidilias (Happy Cinco de Mayo- also forever in my heart Spuds' Day)

Coffee & fruit
Fajita Quesidilias
Easy Couscous Salad

Run 4
Coffee & fruit
Crazy grading time
Easy Couscous Salad 
"Fish" & chips

Bananas & PB
Run 13
Work picnic
Mediterranean Nachos

Coffee & fruit
Dissertation grunt work
Carrot noodle stir fry
Roller Derby bout (Go Derby Dames!)

Coffee & fruit
Dissertation grunt work
Dinner TBA

This month, I'm focusing on 4 things:
Running: I have a half marathon in two weeks, and then start training for my full in the fall. I'm going to need to get significantly faster, so I've been doing some reading about increasing pace, and will be incorporating speed work in my training. I'm training 3-4 times a week.
Writing: I want to finish writing my dissertation this month. Chapters 1-3 are good to go, while chapters 4&5 are in drafts & revisions. Optimally, I'll finish these two chapters by mid-month so that I have time to revise again as per the whims of my mentor before the end of the month. My goal is to write an hou a day, 3-4 times per week.
Reading: Oh, man, I have such a pile of good books to read. Peace, Living the Farm Sanctuary life, Healthy Happy Vegan kitchen, The Plant Power family, All the light we cannot see, For colored girls who dream...., the new LIW autobiography, just to name a few. I would like to read 10-15 books this month.
Eating: I've been so busy, it has been easy to slack off with blogging about food. Once the semester ends, I'll be more vigilant about that. With the weather getting warmer, I need to make sure I drink lots of water. I want to try to drink 100 oz of water every day. I've been successful with this goal for 3 days now, and like everything about it, except the second nighttime pee wake.

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