Thursday, February 25, 2016

Plan Feb 25- March 2

I've been a bit sluggish lately, which is not something I can afford to be, with the Rock n Roll half just 2 weeks away.
So, as of today, I'm stepping up my game.
As part of Lindsay Nixon's Happy Herbivore Meal Mentors, I'm going to focus on 6 habits to incorporate this month, starting with 1, and doubling my efforts each week.
My 6 habits I'm working towards are:
1. Drinking 100 oz of water every day. This is not only great for hydration, but also incredible for my head. I need to do it.
2. Logging my foods. I have the fitbit app, its a great tool. When I log my foods I'm less likely to grab a snack, or drink another glass of wine. It keeps me accountable.
3. Sticking with my meal plans at least 5x per week. And my meal plans are set at roughly 1200 calories a day.
4. Doing 200 crunches at least 5x per week. I have the makings of great abs. They just need daily attention.
5. Doing 3 cross-training workouts every week. I've been using this program called Cody, with workouts ranging from yoga to strength, pilates, etc. Sometimes, though, I get so that I have on my running blinders. I forget to do much else. And even though I've been able to devote a little time every day to my yoga practice,  I should work on my whole body.
6. Having fruits and veggies for snacks. Let's face it, my Mondays and Wednesdys class schedule is a little busy. There are days I don't have time to eat lunch, so I have a snack. Which is fine, until I realize that snack isn't that healthy. Vegans make some pretty awesome junk food. So, to accomplish this goal, not only am I going to plan for fruits and veggies as potential snacks, when I get home from the grocery, I'm going to immediately chop these up so that they're ready to eat?

All of this will be in addition to things I'm already doing (half-marathon training, headstand practice, etc).

Here's my meal plan this week:

Run 4
15 minutes kettlebell
Breakfast: banana pb wrap
Lunch: leftover chinese
Dinner: green curry chowder

Run 10+
Breakfast: smoothie
Lunch: leftover green curry chowder
Dinner: chickpea ceasar tacos

Run/walk 3
Breakfast: smoothie
Lunch: out
Dinner: California "drive through" fries

Breakfast: baked oatmeal
Lunch: leftover chickpea ceasar tacos
Dinner: very verde burritos

Walk 4
Cody workout
Breakfast: ONO
Lunch: very verde burritos
Dinner: bbq sweet potato sliders

Run 4
15 minutes kettlebell
Breakfast: garbanzo patty sandwich
Lunch: bbq sweet potato sliders
Dinner: pizza pasta

Walk 4
Cody workout
Breakfast: ONO
Lunch: leftover pizza pasta
Dinner: sweet & sour spaghetti squash

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