Thursday, February 6, 2014

Plan Feb 9-15

Deconstructed falafel bowl

vegan crab cake salad

Black bean and avocado enchiladas

choir practice, dinner = leftovers

Lunch Samosas with Cari
Takeout (Steamed veggies and tofu)

vegan chili and jalapeño cornbread

Southwest Pasta

We're not making a big deal out of valentines day. This year, I'm in charge of planning what we do, so I'm thinking on Friday night, we will get some Chinese food takeout, and binge watch either The Walking Dead (we're midway through season 3), or Lost (we're about six episodes into the first season.)

I just signed up for a series of 6 races that are all Lost themed, so I suppose I should figure out what is happening.

Depending on the weather, we may get our bikes out and ride on the IHRT. I need to pump up the tires on the bike today to see if they will hold air. I am ready for spring.

Training is going very well, although this past week I have felt tired. I guess that means its working! My brother, Tim, is progressing well, too, which is pushing me to go even further. #imgoingtowin

Copper and I ran 13.25 miles on Friday. When I signed up for my half marathon last summer, I wasn't really sure if I'd be able to ever run that far. Now I know I can.

I'm just finished reading A walk in the woods by Bill Bryson, and really liked it. I want to hike the Appalacian trail one day. In fact, that's my retirement plan. A visit to my favorite used book store Booknuts, and picked up an armful of books I'm very excited about, including another by Bryson, The Road by Cormac McCarthy, a collection of stories by Kate Chopin, and Hells Angels by Hunter S. Thompson.

I'm also listening to one of my favorites: The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood during my runs. It is narrated well, by Claire Danes. 

This year, I will once again be a World Book Night giver. I've been chosen to give away Miss Perigrine's home for peculiar children. More information will be posted about that as the event approaches (April).

In PhD news, my Research plan has received committee approval, and is currently in SMR, Scientific Merit Review. I anticipate this to be a painless process, and have started working on the documents I need for IRB.

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